Isole Borromee Isole Borromee

30 April 2020

Parco Pallavicino opens on 4 May

After the long period spent at home, it will be possible to treat yourself to a visit to totally relax and have fun walking in the midst of nature at the site of Terre Borromeo in Stresa.

A series of fundamental priority rules will have to be respected in order to access the Park, to ensure the safety of all, and these are contained in a guide at the entrance.

The 2020 season of the green oasis of the Parco Pallavicino in Stresa and the Terre Borromeo sites on Lago Maggiore restarts on Monday 4 May. As announced by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 April 2020, the Parco Pallavicino can at last open its gates to visitors.

With its 18 hectares in the open air, the Park, which is located not far from the centre of Stresa, is a place of great calm and serenity for families and for all those seeking genuine contact with nature: an ideal space to walk along tree-lined avenues, to lose yourself in the myriad of colours of the flower garden and to discover close-up the over fifty species of mammals and birds that are welcomed here.

All this will be possible again, respecting the rules laid down by the provisions of the central and regional governments. “Today, more than ever, the priority of SAG, the company that administers and manages the Parco Pallavicino and the other Borromeo sites, is to guarantee the safety of all its staff and visitors”, declares Vitaliano Borromeo. “This new situation is a challenge for everybody, but we are certain that the commitment to respect the safety measures put in place to welcome workers and tourists will be repaid by the pleasant atmosphere that pervades the Parco Pallavicino”.

Access to the park will be subject to a system of entry in quotas and governed by a vademecum guide; it is preferred that you arrive at the Park with a ticket acquired in advance online on the platform, although the box-office will be open and managed in accordance with the safety rules. It will be obligatory for those who enter to wear a mask and respect the minimum safe distance. The facilities of the Parco Pallavicino will be sanitised a number of times a day and hand sanitising gel dispensers will be made available to guests at various points around the site. Furthermore, the supervisory personnel in the Park will verify that all the rules are being observed with the utmost diligence. Visitor numbers will also be controlled in the enclosed area of the farm. Here the animals range freely and luckily do not run the risk of being infected by Covid-19.



The Park will be open weekdays between 12 noon and 5.30pm (last entry, closure at 6pm); on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, between 10am and 6pm (last entry, closure 6.30pm).

Residents of Stresa can enjoy free entry on the first day of opening, 4 May, of course respecting the controlled access numbers.

The play area reserved for children and the covered picnic area will remain closed until now provisions are put in place.

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Esplora i siti museali di Terre Borromeo con un tour guidato.
Acquista l’audioguida al link in bio e preparati ad un’avventura indimenticabile tra arte, natura e cultura. 


Explore Terre Borromeo's museum sites with a guided tour.
Purchase the audio guide at the link in bio and get ready for an unforgettable adventure among art, nature and culture.

#TerreBorromeo #Isoleborromee
#LagoMaggiore #Italia #Stresa #art
10 0
Sabato 16 marzo riaprono tutte le location di Terre Borromeo. Clicca sul link in bio per prenotare l'ingresso alle singole location o scegli una combo:

- Isola Bella + Isola Madre
- Isola Bella + Rocca di Angera + Parco Pallavicino
- Isola Bella + Isola Madre + Parco Pallavicino
- Isola Bella + Isola Madre + Rocca di Angera
- Isola Madre + Rocca di Angera + Parco Pallavicino


Saturday, March 16th, all Terre Borromeo locations will reopen. Click the link in the bio to book the tickets to individual locations or choose a combo:

- Isola Bella + Isola Madre
- Isola Bella + Rocca di Angera + Parco Pallavicino
- Isola Bella + Isola Madre + Parco Pallavicino
- Isola Bella + Isola Madre + Rocca di Angera
- Isola Madre + Rocca di Angera + Parco Pallavicino

#TerreBorromeo #Isoleborromee
#LagoMaggiore #Italia #Stresa
55 1
Tra le pagine di questi volumi si celano commenti, appunti e disegni, talvolta legati semplicemente alle variazioni climatiche e talvolta ad avvenimenti epocali. Nel fondo Calendari sono ad esempio raccolti i “Giornali con le ferie”, i Lunari, svariati “Palmaverde”, i celebri almanacchi del regno Sardo.

A quale anno pensi si riferisca il calendario nella foto?


Within the pages of these volumes are hidden comments, notes and drawings, sometimes simply related to climatic variations and sometimes to momentous events. For example, in the Calendars fund are collected "Giornali con le ferie", Lunari, several "Palmaverde", the famous almanacs of the Sardinian kingdom.

Which year do you think the calendar in the picture refers to?

#TerreBorromeo #Isoleborromee
#LagoMaggiore #Italia #Stresa
40 0
Segna la data sul calendario 📌

Sabato 16 marzo le location di Terre Borromeo apriranno le porte ad una nuova stagione piena di emozioni.
Attendiamo che l’inverno si dissolva per accoglierti a Isola Bella, Isola Madre, Rocca di Angera e Parco Pallavicino!


 Mark the date on your calendar 📌

On Saturday, March 16, Terre Borromeo locations will open their doors to a new season full of excitement.
Waiting for winter to fade away to welcome you to Isola Bella, Isola Madre, Rocca di Angera and Parco Pallavicino!

Video credits: @juliamachnik 

#TerreBorromeo #Isoleborromee
#LagoMaggiore #Italia #Stresa
309 4
Esploriamo insieme la sala più celebre della Rocca di Angera!

La Sala della Giustizia svela un tesoro di affreschi su tre lati e sulle volte, che si presentano ricoperte da un ricco decoro a motivi geometrici dai colori brillanti.

Il ciclo di affreschi sulle pareti, considerato tra i più ricchi e complessi della pittura medioevale italiana, narra le epiche imprese di Ottone Visconti, ispirate al poemetto Liber gestis in civitate Mediolani.


Let's explore the most famous and spectacular room of the Rocca di Angera! 

The Hall of Justice unveils a treasure trove of frescoes on three sides and on the vaults, which are covered in richly decorated geometric patterns in brilliant colors.

The cycle of frescoes on the walls, considered among the richest and most complex in medieval Italian painting, narrates the epic exploits of Ottone Visconti, inspired by the poem Liber gestis in civitate Mediolani.

#TerreBorromeo #BorromeoExperience #LagoMaggiore #Italia #roccadiangera #angera #rocca
289 3
Un impegno che unisce passione e precisione. La pulizia dei finimenti equestri nelle grotte di Palazzo Borromeo ci permette di mantenere intatto ogni dettaglio, preservandolo con cura.


A commitment that combines passion and precision. Cleaning equestrian harnesses in the caves of the Borromeo Palace allows us to keep every detail intact, carefully preserving them.

#TerreBorromeo #Isoleborromee
#LagoMaggiore #Italia #Stresa
328 2
Viaggiamo indietro nel tempo con uno sguardo al Lago Maggiore, catturando l'essenza senza tempo di un'Isola Bella in bianco e nero.


Let's travel back in time with a look at Lake Maggiore, capturing the timeless essence of an Isola Bella in black and white.

#TerreBorromeo #Isoleborromee #BorromeoExperience
#LagoMaggiore #Italia #Stresa
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